A lot of the power in Now Utilities 6.0 comes from Now Tabs™ and Now Shortcuts™ ability to accept plug in code modules (Plug Ins), that extend their functionality.
A Plug In might do something simple like duplicate a file or something more complex such as display a list of duplicate files. There are few limits to what Plug Ins can do.
Now Tabs and Now Shortcuts use the same API (whew!). Now Tabs Plug Ins are accessed from the "Now" menu in the tab bar. Now Shortcuts Plug Ins are accessed when you hold down a modifier key and click on a file, group of files, folder or group of folders in the Finder. Both Now Tabs and Now Shortcuts display each Plug In's name in a menu. If that menu item is selected, the Plug In is called.
You can write your own Plug Ins for Now Utilities 6.0 with the API detailed below. We have provided a lot of sample code for you to start from. Be careful though - Milt and I have found that writing Plug Ins is incredibly addicting. We're not sure whether its because they're so easy to write (15 minutes to an hour in most cases) or because it's nice to be able to finish a coding project on time for a change. Anyway, we think you'll have fun with writing them.
To begin writing your own Plug Ins:
• Move the Now Utilities Plug In Stationery to your MetroWerks Project Stationery folder.
• Create a new project using the Now Utilities Plug In Stationery.
• Open the Preferences dialog and:
-- Open the Project pane and set the Plug In name to the name of your Plug In
• Copy one of the sample project "Main.c" and "Main.h" into your project.
• Open "Main.h" and reset the Plug In Type define, e.g.,
-- #define kLabelPlugInType 'Labl'
• Open "Main.c" and reset the Plug In Type in main and PrepareMenu
-- plugInInformation->plugInType = your Plug In Type
• Add your own code and compile. Then drop your completed Plug In into the Now Tabs Plug Ins Folder or the Now Shortcuts Plug Ins Folder in the Control Panels Folder and restart - the next time you use Now Tabs or Now Shortcuts your Plug In will be in the list.
Enjoy, the Now Utilities Development Team,
The Now Plug Ins API was written by Ando Sonenblick, author of Now AutoType, Now Tabs, Now Shortcuts and Now Save.